Here is the first pamphlet I distributed to 10 colleges and universities in the spring of 1988, and two years later in south Plymouth. Many of the schools were in finals, or all but shut down for the summer, but Boston University, the first one I went to, was crowded. I probably passed out 1500, and had letter size posters of the same text on the bulletin boards, as well. Some of the quieter schools only got the posters. I'd written to the Senate almost a year before, and it was crystal clear to me that they would not adhere to the demands of the Prophesy, from the responses they sent devoid of spiritual mention. I agonized over using the word 'isolationism' because I had no room to explain further, that I felt the U.S. was being overburdened in defense expenditure in Europe. I also now feel using the word 'abrogation' of presidential order was a mistake, but I got the word out. The press was to get notified next. |
Transcribed content of the above image:American PublicGod wanted war with America; because it was a new land that promised freedom, and began to turn from that promise; and the Lord was wroth. And time was waiting for the world, and they persecuted His prophet Michael; and God was wroth with their generation. They destroyed peace on Earth, and another lands; and God was wroth. And hope of Peace was shattered; and God was angry. A later passage from my work said: And God wanted War but changed his mind and relented; not through man's pleading, but because of man's determination to have peace. But God issued a warning: 'Have no more war.' To legitimize this declaration, in the Book of Daniel, there are two mysterious mentions of my name, and then the following verse which parallels that paragraph. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time; and at that time that people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. Three sentences later the Bible said: But thou, O Daniel, shut up thy words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. To start following the intent of these passages, we must; 1) learn the ways of righteousness, 2) return to a policy of isolationism, and 3) abrogate nonconstitutional presidential order and nonelected administrative law making bodies. Please send correspondence to: Brookline, MA |
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