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"...and let them be for signs and for seasons..." Genisis 1:14

These stars are an affirmation of God, enshrined by several religions. In the first, Judaism, Moses (circled), foresees the building of the future pyramids (flattish pyramids had already been built), and acts to save the Jews. Moses is repeatedly called God in Torah, so there is a connection to Buddha's relationship to Hinduism, as he was born in India, and some of them deify him (I'm told Buddhists don't, I call him one of several Messiahs). I don't know if these are described as some or all of 'The Seven Steps of Buddha' or related to Christianity's 'Three Wise Men - Nativity' story. An additional connection can be made to Muhammad's Koranic reverence of Moses (and Torah) in relation to modern Israel, and the vilification of Pharaoh.

This is a rendition of how the Orion constellation appears on the horizon at certain times of the year. That's also the letter zion backwards in Hebrew right around the time of Jesus, and firmly used during Muhammad's lifetime, as an earlier zion had a different form.

Zion is the seventh letter, and prominent lines, so some chat on internet live streams or broadcasts has begun to use the shorthand o7 to notify the streamer of her or his video status as "off-line" racing to beat the source server's notification.

Torah also connects Jacob and Joseph to Egypt, but the word pyramid is absent.

Updates Addressing Moses

Here's something especially of interest to fellow Jews. A description I wrote to someone once about a natural occurance I witnessed.
  Email Excerpt on Moses   
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Tefillin Wearers

Are you a tefillin wrapper like I am?  I have a website with my recommendation: Click here.

The Original Orion Presentation

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My Open Source Bibles to Read or Download in Two Styles.  
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*also inspiration, messianic, spirituality, kaballah, kabalah, caballah, cabala, kabbala, zion, mateek
The Jewish alphabet always begins on the right thumb. Looking from underneath, clockwise from top left, my right thumb, right index finger, and left index finger.   The first letter can be interpreted as a fan, thus representing air.   The second letter can represent the earth, because it's the first letter of the Torah (Genesis), starts the story of creation, or is sometimes considered a redirected river in a different font.   The bottom letter, the seventh, could be yearning, trying to find the stars Moses named as 'signs and seasons,' or additional symbolisms.   The seventh letter is shown backwards on Orion's belt.   The total of these three letters aleph, bet, and zion equals ten for the commandments on the tablets.

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Jesse Ateek   © U.S. 2025
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