A description of a broken window for world peace, a personal story of Jesus before Christianity


I had a Vision, and I put pen to my Prophecy a few months later, receiving a

'warning from God' to the USA, "Have no more war."   Further on I recorded the U.S. as "no Christians", so although I believe in bigger or equal Messiahs, like Moses, Buddha, and Mohammed, I've shared my more recent story of Jesus, as a baby cleaned at birth by Heavenly action.

In 1987 I revealed myself to the US Senate, went public, and after that the Berlin Wall fell and the Cold War ended, because Communists respected a hope for world peace. The gains were reversed by U.S. politicians, when Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was undone.   My politics prove a new political party is essential. New pray dot com author Jesse Ateek has the Biblical writing name Yeshurun

Crucifixion and Newborn Jesus

Maybe in 2007, I received a dream-vision of being a floating observer over a group of men being crucified, with a glaring problem with one of those men.   There was a starkly clean rope wrapped thick around his neck.   The other problem with my viewpoint was that the entire background was in brown sepia tones.   This experience brought me to reflections of Jews suffering.

In around 2019, my Prophecy had me record "And G-d threw water at him(me)."   Again, thoughts of a 'starkly clean' entered my mind.   Combining the clean rope with the recent 'clean water', I've come to the belief that a sign from God that became roots of Christianity, was Jesus as a newborn being cleaned by a heavenly action.

Continued in the J/Christ Mention tab above...


My international positions are found at WorldNewPray.com

Big Changes

We need to legislate out the insulting American Legion's preamble, using God's name in vain.   Much of this nation's immorality stems from the egotism the Congress mandated association shows here.   There is no such thing as "100% Americanism" for God.

Second, I'm proposing the Veteran's Administration hospital system be replaced with lifelong health insurance vouchers to veterans, if warranted, and the division converted to enrollment functions.   We no longer have a need to specialize medicine for post-battle injuries, and we can advance in insuring a wider range of citizens.

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Donations and Blessings

Your donations will help my advertising, and when you do, I'll say 'A child (based on Daniel) is Blessed!' but I won't extend my prayer to you, because of the broken "warning".   God has made another since then, and your giving a dollar, or more, is mandatory, since one-dollar bills use an eye in a vision on a pedestal.   I had a vision of elevatable description.   However, I'm not suggesting hundreds of millions of dollars for myself, just tens, because of my goals, like a national advertising campaign, and a new Michael political party.   Of course, I'd also like to be done collecting government benefits, and be allotting myself a salary.

Biblical References

My advice to any young person considering reading the Bible, called Tanakh in Hebrew basically until the New Testament section, is to read the Book of Isaiah (knowing improper translations from here) or Daniel first.   They're the ID of sanctification, and really the only sections clearly dealing a bit with the future we now live, as I don't consider the term Angel used by some as clear.   Isaiah uses my writing name left out of insulting cult translations.   You can see that in the Edu/Bible tab above.

If a student searches in the Old Testament under 'end of days' or 'end of times', etc., he or she will find Daniel, and not much else.   My "warning" from God to US Senators, and then going public, opened that Biblical "seal", because I quoted Daniel, and explained peace.   Searches of the Bible and Koran were probably first available in English, and without knowing my future, I found Michael in both.   In Daniel, I'm a Prophet.

Our politicians and their advisors need to know how to obey a warning from God.   In the Archive section at the full sized PC version of this website, you can find the draft of Prophecy originally sent to them.

Previous War Blunders

How could the USA be so stupid in 1980?   A new Iranian leader was brought in at the behest of students.   They had taken hostages in the US Embassy, but that was a spontaneous response from the youth of Iran before the Ayatollah Khomeini had any influence.   Instead of welcoming a new government to the world, the press found the Ayatollah's 'parking tickets' so to speak, and the US turned their insults to him.   He was a flattered clergyman in the perfect mood to order the release of the hostages.   When the US elected a new government, the hostages were released.   Unfortunately, Republicans began to believe in a superhero President Ronald Reagan.   He was the last President I voted for, although I've voted in national elections on referendums.

The Ayatollah oversaw the passage of a commendable Iranian constitution.   Americans wear eye blinders in the pursuit of democracy, but Muhammad had children, and rulers of Saudi Arabia trace their lineage that far back.   Many monarchies in that region carbon copy much of their constitutions, but Iran didn't.   I've also found commendable elements of democracy in Jordan's Constitution, but found Qatar's insulting, laying down a stricter monarchal system, but declaring that a "democracy."

Unfortunately, the U.S. decided to war with Iraq a second time in 2003, shifting chaos and violence into all the surrounding regions.   Kuwait was not worth re-establishing in 1990, and Sadaam Hussein was the right leader for the region at that time when the U.S. toppled him.   Decency required our politicians passing along a warning from God to prevent those unsanctioned wars.   Without those traitorist wars, others that followed would be diminishing.   I wrote Washington D.C. a few other times along the way with reminders, as you can find in the Archive link.

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Ukraine Accepting US Influence

NATO and the USA pushed Russia into their 2022 invasion of Ukraine.   Increasing an alliance tied to the North Atlantic toward the eastern edge of Europe isn't a cohesive or honest dialogue, and together with USA propagated economic sanctions against Russia at the time, war was forced.   Sure, Ukraine needed time to adjust to their current misfortune, and flush the advice they got, but agreeing with USA policies of the time was the continuation of a downward spiral.

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Top Law Proposals

Currently, about thirty five of the states have an American History/Social Studies requirement in their school systems, and now is the time for this to become a national course requirement.   Ideally, that would be alongside a finances delineated course on the five major world religions in our high schools (here).

Religious Improprieties

Sadly, Catholic misuse of the name Immanuel, contrary to his relative size and role shown in Isaiah (Click - Bibles) interweaved with my description has a direct correlation to acting out of priority when I relayed the word of God against war.  

Three decades ago, I asked both Pope John Paul II and the U.S. College of Cardinals to condemn U.S. wars.   Even if both the letters were 'lost' in the mail, they should have know eventually, and that period of U.S. immorality has led to present day world aggresions.

In 2015 I recorded from God, "And the Pope came to visit America. And he got a very small child to yell at Jeshurun. And he got a very big lawyer to call him moral."   I wrote all the U.S. Senators the next year as shown at the PC full version of NewPray.com saying they are symbolically that 'lawyer.'

Blame Where Blame Belongs

Finally in the blame department, the U.S. intelligence community needs more mention.  A great many of them knew my antiwar warning right away, over thirty years ago, and ignored me at best.   I have to include the Secret Service in that regard.   I personally contacted the FBI decades ago, to circumvent foreign espionage influence surrounding my push for national attention, and their exploitation of historic macabre.   Now U.S. spies are settled on their neutrality toward God's warning.   I propose that some, like the C.I.A., but possibly many others, be counted and limited like ballistics treaties here.   Federal laws call them special?

More Explanation

After persecution for opposing U.S. wars, first as a toddler and then in my current prophecy, I was gradually forced into permanent disability.   I was told directly I would remain in a state mental hospital until I accepted Social Security support.   Now I live in poverty, in public housing, and currently (see the update time stamp at the top of this page) I'm receiving food stamp assistance.

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You'll see here at this web site, that the vast majority of the 50 State Constitutions show a separation of "church and state," and an acknowledgment of God, at the same time!   Unfortunately, we've been the victim of a backslide for too long, but the solution is worldly education, and advancing legislation.   The preambles of the States established a hope for unbiased government, although Tennessee zig-zags, and in summation Massachusetts fails.

As a Small Child

As I've said, saying G-d wanted war with America isn't new to me.  In around 1965 I was interviewed by the foreign film crew here in Boston at the time making a documentary.   The pro-Vietnam War movement was in it's infancy, and anyone perceived to have weak feelings for the effort was ostracized, never mind opponents.  I say interviewed, but I was only asked one question, having nothing to do with the aggression, being a small toddler.   As I answered, I acknowledged by gesture those dressed against war (hippies) nearby.   My grandfather had finished telling his story, probably about his life leading to his role as a public defender in the city.  I sometimes think the Japanese had their film developed with the presence of pro-war U.S. government agents, from the depth of attack I felt after.

*Explanation of the top section

I knew the New Testament had chronicled the "number of the beast."  To my knowledge, the Christian religion never associated any responsibility with use of the word.   Placed in a leadership position by a Prophecy, I read the book once.   In Revelations I found, "the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty six."

Almost immediately after the unprecedented September 11th calamity, my prophecy used the word "towers" suspiciously.   Four Hebrew letters, that equal 666, sound out 'towers'; taf(t), vav(o,oo,v), raish(r), and samech(s).   The serpent's theme is found very early in Torah.

My belief in Judaism's positive and negative commandments showed a serpent, and a divergence of futures.   One set of the positive's letter equivalents are raish, mem, and hess.   By manipulating them into a figure, a dragon or beast is formed.   They are the 8th, 13th, and 20th letters, in the 'aleph-bet' side bar further above.

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ChatGPT (https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt) used for advertising, slogan, and jingle ideas. Also used to code the transcript button in the Educational/Biblical tab of the PC version, and on one page of the mobile page to update code partially.

My website for those interested in conversion to my religion is JewishConvert.info

Jesse Ateek   © U.S. 2025
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