I decided to publicize my prophecy against US wars almost immediately after college, and surprisingly, around the same time I found myself writing poetry, from out of nowhere. I'd never done any before, and my work showed promise. I already knew waiting for donations wouldn't support me that early, and I felt compelled to make poetry part of a career, so I decided an abandoned family cottage was the right placed to start. However, the tiny uninsulated cottage bordered on unlivable, having developed a rotted main beam, and being far from places for solid potential employment, since my car was dead. I also continued my pamphleting of prophecy, but I knew recipients would need to start a snowball of support quickly, or I'd again be homeless for the winter. I was broke, so I tried to winterize the cottage with sporadic family contributions for materials. As my time ran out before the approaching cold, I figured my being homeless would be a one time 'falling through the crack' lapse in support, considering the gravity of the message about war. In late September I packed a professional backpack I'd received as a gift a year before, and started hitchhiking to escape the winter. The pack was probably 60 lbs. or more, as I needed to be fully prepared for both summer and winter When I got to Tennessee, several charitable members at a synagogue I visited bought me a bus ticket, all the way to California, as that was my tentative intended destination. I stopped in Arizona, to visit a great uncle, and family. Then my basically estranged mother offered to temporarily pay for an apartment there, through my Uncle I believe, so I had safety for the winter. Once settled, I used the last of the bus ticket to visit my oldest friend. After a week, I returned to Tucson, but I only found small jobs, so after two months I'd decided to return to my grandmother's cottage in Massachusetts. To save money, I hitchhiked directly south to Mexico, and took buses across the width, re-entering the U.S. at the tip of Texas. I found myself making much better time than I'd expected, and still in danger of getting into the cold weather, so I hitchhiked south to Miami Beach. There, I made friends with an ultra-religious Chabad follower, with a family, who temporarily let me crash on a cot. Eventually, I got back to Plymouth, and restarted the work to winterize the cottage, but I saw I was losing that race against time again. In a last ditch attempt to prevent another homeless trek with a heavy backpack, I retyped a pamphlet I'd written two years earlier, as part of my first wave of canvassing. That pamphlet is the same as the one shown below, except I changed the last line to say I "might be homeless." I tried to use my 'bargaining voice', on an over-crowded text box, to propose some military isolationism (I should have used the word "toward"), trying to counteract Europe's over-reliance on U.S. deterrence. This pamphlet went out to hundreds of homes in my neighborhood on summer Sundays. I got some donations, but nothing substantial. After, I again returned to Miami, and I retyped the handout shown below, as the only copy with me had become unreadable. Before I began my planned distribution on Miami Beach, I called the Miami police station for the laws, and started around residential neighborhoods. Unfortunately, I missed a prohibition sign they had informed me about in certain areas, and I was arrested for illegal solicitation. The charge was eventually dismissed, and I ended up acquiring a permit after some heavy handed wrangling. I took this retyped pamphlet, and shuffled it with "American Public" (Archive 1988), and probably gave out a couple of hundred in total. After that second homeless winter, I returned to Plymouth, and successfully winterized the cottage. I spent over five years there year-round, writing most of the remaining subjects of this archive, and much of my creative writing. |
Transcribed content of the above image:Government Non-Peace PoliciesAs a democratic nation sworn to God, we are impelled to follow our involvement, and make choices, in the crisis of our political environment called Earth. In the present world, massacre is a simple event, requiring the push of a trigger, the burning of a bus, or the flip of a page in a manual by a soldier. Insurgency is as fast, and moves quicker than a government can make corrections. Pressures are great, and a spy can easily cause turmoil. The Lord asks me to write prophecy, in Old Testament style, and speak about issues from the text. Paraphrasing a passage, "God wanted war with America, because it was a new man that promised freedom, and began to turn from that promise..." We are also called guilty of persecution and destruction of "...peace on Earth..." To further substantiate my claim to the title of Prophet, the book of Daniel gives my name, Michael, as a person of position "...at a time of trouble, such as never was, since there was a nation..." The period is just before the End of Days, and the nuclear age. In enormous anger, through my literature, the Lord "...issued a warning, "Have no more war..." The reason for the relenting was, "man's determination to have peace." However, despite the fact that I informed the U.S. Senate and Congress, we have continued our global intervention, and opposed peace seeking nations. We must return to military isolationism. For a long time, patients have been hoarding arsenals that can destroy our entire planet. Europe, for example, has that capability, but we continue adding to their armories, and expending valuable resources for the policy we inexcusably defend as deterrence. During all this, our intelligence agents haven't provided the direction necessary for an end to our aggression, and advanced their own position. The fact is, our Constitution doesn't use the word democracy to expressly define our goal, and should be amended to expand the elect of authorities. Calling for a more perfect union has led to a loss of our ideals. While our population grows, and the number of representatives per citizen decreases, we lose voices. Instead, our leaders have been appointing lawmakers. A search for the cause of problems usually reveals that the culprit decision is based on a commissioned individual's judgment. Unfortunately, the poor lack an acceptable minimum condition, and pollution is staggering. In the face of heresy, I need supporters who will give to my information campaign. We can't be expected to govern ourselves without all the facts. My goal is to establish lobbying or publicity which will be heard everywhere. Please write or contribute to: Jeshurun, P.O. Box |
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