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Jesus oriented himself by stars, like probably close to all at that time, and he saw two groups that have the most apparent movement, east and west, as religious affirmations.   He probably recognized one of those as framing the Hebrew letter zion, the seventh, as shown in the Edu/Biblical tab in the top menu.    When floating the idea that 'zionism' should be curbed to placate Israel's Arab neighbors, one should consider the deep inescapable symbolisms of the term.   Also, the motivations should be scrutinized to assure those influencers aren't trying to gradually erase the pre-nation of Israel pioneers whom adopted the term Zionism.   Torah, the Books of Moses, at the beginning of the Bible, says 'stars are signs'.

Commentary on Jesus as a Newborn Theory

If the Jewish tzitzit (prayer tassel) of 1000+BC originated to be umbilical cord ties, newborn intervention would be a cohesive way for God to show a new religion, separate from Judaism.

picture from

Painful Conjugation

Before and during the formation of Christianity, conquerors of the region were exiling Jews, and during one or more of those forced marches Jews must have been saying, 'timatee' (she will die), or 'matoo' (we died), conjugations of the word dead (mat) in Hebrew.   Ancient Israel couldn't secure the vast surrounding region to the east and south.   Did those conquerors franchise derivatives of the name Matthew, or the conjugation Timothy, to instill controlling fear?   The fact that Babylonian and Roman conquerors with a reputation for slaughter weren't killing their captive Jews outright, respected an early, if not the first true religion.

A parodied, more referable
version of that can be found here:

Groups of Christians - personal attacks on me.

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