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The Education section below slightly updated December 30, 2024.
  Proposals:     Education     National     Local/State     Various                             


    Our nation's forefathers read the Bible, but life has changed since then, and maintaining scripture as the goal to all potentially literate citizens would be illogical, for a lot of reasons.   However, an introductory course on the first five major world religions, and others after, should be introduced into the nation's high schools, as an economic duty.   If an anticipatory Congressional committee fails to bring agreement, then each state needs to implement their own mandates, and reverse the educational slide the U.S. is experiencing.
    Here's a fast aliphatic sketch on how to present the subject:
    • Buddhism: Meditation in front of a special statue associated with offerings, based on a story of a figure first from a wealthy family, and then accepting a life of spiritual asceticism, until enlightened to a level establishing a religion. Alternatively depicted as fat and thin, with celibate monks, and a solar-adjusted lunar calendar
    • Christianity: A unique son of G-d, holidays significantly set on the calendar by Old Testament concepts, divided into Protestants and Catholics, a virgin Mary concept, selectively following the Old Testament, a New Testament using Hebrew words for names
    • Hinduism: Based in India, a caste system and funeral rituals based on them, temples with priests that resemble Old Testament descriptions seemingly from spontaneous establishment, earlier roots than other religions, women with marked foreheads
    • Islam: Follows Mohammed, a Koran that speaks positively toward other religions by name, a unique lunar calendar doesn't correct for seasons, divided into Shiites and Sunni, descendants of Abraham, pilgrimage to Mecca, prayer known for kneeling and bowing in mosques without chairs
    • Judaism: Follows Moses, a Torah unchanged since establishment by several authors, letters with numbers and stories, a lunar calendar with a leap month, extremes of Ultra-orthodox and Reformists, first to carry the unflattering language of the Old Testament masked by positive thinking, continual learning of copious amounts of written and obscure
      *Islam and Judaism present conflicting narratives of the story of Abraham setting out to sacrifice a son, and being stopped by an angel or angels.   Islam says that son is Ishmael, and a feast commemorating that day is celebrated yearly by many.   Judaism recites the Biblical account, with Issac the intended target, in most of the daily prayer books.   Neither has more credibility, and these conflicting stories should be presented together.

      **On another matter, concerning the widespread belief in Islam that Mohammed ascended to Heaven from Jerusalem, there are many articles that dispel the myth, diving into Hadith passages describing "the night journey."   Islam should feel proud to call the Dome of the Rock a good place to pray that they innocently inherited in Judaism's absence.   I can't extend my good feelings as completely to the Al Aqsa Mosque, named for the "farthest mosque" in Surah 17:1 of the Quran.   The name is meant to evolve into a term for the farthest mosque in Islam's expansion, and not the current Israeli location.   I would nominate one of the mosques in Washington D.C. or China.   Washington because of the attempted 'separation of church and state' and China because of the transformation toward two gender mosques, although originally forced, that has occurred there.   In Judaism, my religion, both forms of congregation are implemented, and I feel there are gains from both systems of worship.   China has been battling or struggling with a group trying to establish religious governance.
  • Schools and teachers need to have the obligation and authority to order the removal of any article of clothing above the neck of any student in U.S. public schools.   The symbolism of a veil or head covering on a child in a public school is to break the line of direct sensory perception.   This should extend to all visible religious and political symbols or displays as well, for similar reasons.

  • We now know scientifically that the long terms benefits of targeted preferential treatment toward education is only seen if the incentives occur in kindergarten years, and at very early grade levels.   We need to enact a test and bolster system aimed at those very young.   The newer knowledge of those time constraints for permanant results justifys the court reversal of 'affirmative action' of college admissions, and opens an opportunity to truly make advances.

  • Again, on a national, state, and local level, legislation needs to be created, contingent on a national declaration of terrorist status, that protest be prohibited from places of education.   If that terrorist organization happens to rule a country, or target one specifically, protest of that country or countries should also be prohibited.   The debate from skeptics of the terrorist designation should be handled by pamphlet, advertising, and hopefully debated in the press, although much of them are privately owned, so the decision should be theirs.


  • A partial solution to the health care crisis is to abrogate the VA hospital system.  The military has it's own hospitals for injuries in battle and during duty, but after, our veterans need to start using civilian care.  Our soldiers need support, and that should include medical coverage for life, if their healing is incomplete.   I envision a voucher system.  If my recollection of the history of the V.A. Hospital system is correct, the focused accommodation for fighters began incrementally before the Civil War, and during the tragedy accelerated.   They could plan for common aftercare for typical soldiering injuries somewhat different from the usual citizen's troubles, but now we have prolific car accidents.   Our current civilian health care doesn't cover the population sufficiently, and government bureaucracy can be cleared.  There is no longer a need to try and concentrate medicine the way treatment was given then.

  • As a cost saving measure, I propose that Presidents with net worth at a value 1,000 times the HHS poverty income level for one person in Washington, D.C., begin to pay for Secret Service protection on a sliding scale, paying for all protection at 100,000 times the poverty level. On March 27, 2017, the HHS listed the single person houshold income poverty guideline at $12,060 so a President with net worth of $12,060,000 would begin to pay maybe 1%, as rough estimate of a reasonable levy.

  • My proposal for a new national pledge of allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the nationality of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under G-d, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

  • I feel a women's registration for the draft is necessary, to match the current requirement on men between the age of 18-25, usually taken care of by the guidance counselors in the nation's high schools.   That change would advance the cause of equality.   Registration is different from an actual draft, and I'm for bringing back a true draft as well, albeit for very short service times.   If both of those suggestions occur, the number of those considered for service would be enormous, and the number of exemptions could be correspondingly lenient, to basically maintain current troop levels.

  • A woman needs uniform choice in abortion nation-wide, for any reason they decide with their doctor, until late into pregnancy.   After reading about incredibly diseased fetuses, destined to be born to painful deaths at the time of birth, and factoring in the risk for the mother to continue carrying, I see no reason for legal intervention, which could also slow medical care.   I extend that to late-diagnosed fetuses destined to lives of severe impairment, similar to living wills imposed by power-of-attorney.

    If a doctor takes a kicking screaming newborn and kills her or him, that doctor will face charges, but until that happens, U.S. law, as is already written, should be enforcing liberty of a woman's decisions.   Government has no cause to intervene with completely arbitrary numbers attached to their catchall term of "viability" to demand anything.   The point of placental detachment should be a loose guide to viability, to maintain a woman's or mother's primacy, extend matured faith, give consideration of her economics, and guarantee a personalized view of life after rapes, etc.

    Extremists sometimes oppose the 'day after pill', but a blastocyst or an embryo has developed a clump of cells resembling a slug.

  • Federal laws need to be legislated to be simple in wording and reflect content connected to the title of the bill.   It seems like the conception of the computer and the ability to search documents has given lawmakers the idea they can throw sliced bread into regulations about interstate highway funding.   This has defeated or agonizingly slowed the passage of important bills.

  • Knowing that some Muslims consider Friday their day of prayer made me realize that our nation has merely inherited the weekly schedule we've set.   To begin the transition, we need a referendum on whether we should always have two days of rest together.   Then, should Muslims gain in number, a democratic means of deciding our routine will be readily available.   Employees would be empowered in this regard, but of course ensuring that no one had to disclose their religion or preference in their voting.   It will most likely all turn out to be symbolic, but this will elevate our Constitution.  

  • There is no such thing as "100% Americanism."  Serving in the U.S. Military during war time doesn't magically make an Americanism appear.  The American Legion's preamble needs to be amended to create a sound basis for representing our country with a Congressional mandate.  The idea that military service can disconnect someone from the influences of a globe we need to be responsible for is insulting, and does not represent G-d as they claim.  It represents a damaging elitism.

  • Legislation should be created to require mandatory firings of U.S. Intelligence Agents involved with every mistaken U.S. war, and that peace treaties include reciprocating cut-backs of their numbers.   Mistaken U.S. wars include everything after 1987.  There were other mistaken wars by the USA before, but my Prophecy of this era hadn't been revealed before then.   Since that time, inter-continental missile treaties were negotiated, but in the long run to the present, it's obvious no advancement toward world peace was accomplished.

  • One of my original political ideas was for an increase in the number of federally elected officials.  I'm still an advocate for an elected spokesperson from every state in most, if not every federal agency.


  • Inmates across the nation are being exploited, that is, being used for commerce without tangible participation.   Phone calls to or from prisoners are typically at usery rates, and often the telephone companies are paying the prison departments large sums of money, ensuring their popularity among the exploiters.   I encoutered a tilted prison phone system in the mid 90's, when the only option of collect call automation seemed unjust, by taking away the personal touch in breaking the news of my arrest to my family.   Instead, the phone just announced  'A prisoner of blah blah Correction Facility is calling collect...'   Here's an article from on this subject: - Steep Costs of Inmate Phone Calls Under Scrutiny

  • States need to require every city and town to run their own computer server with all their digital library books and public forms available for viewing or download.   Moreover, everyone should have the right to an account with all the completed forms they've filed in every Town Hall.  Hopefully the judicial system would follow.   The current trend is that online encyclopedias, etc. are all privately held, without insurance, while public libraries are an insurance.   I'm not saying bookshelf libraries should be eliminated, but the purchase of new materials should be tilted toward digital.   Small towns could be allowed a team-up exemption with surrounding cities or towns.  If they were isolated or financially incapable, they could be granted equipment and help.   Federally, all Depositories should now be required to be locally stored and digital to encourage library conversion.


  • A few years ago, while filing some court motions Pro Se, the forms asked me to assure that I wasn't seeking my actions against active service members, by requiring a check-mark in the middle of perfunctory forms.   At first I was taken back by the slowing of the judicial process for such a narrowly defined group.   When I reflected for a bit I realized the change could be beneficial if extended to those in hospitals for Tuberculosis, Mental Illness, or other open-ended hospitalizations.

  • The idea to change the retirement age is discussed from time to time.  If that needs to be considered, the higher age needs to be made for upper office job personnel only, and the age for most of the rest needs to stay the same or move in the opposite direction because of the more physical or pressured nature of their labors.  The lazy current system of blanket laws in this area needs to change.

  • I've seen the elderly agonizing in pain, to stay out of nursing homes, after broken hips, and barely mobile legs.  It's valiant, and practical, and they are in a sense, heroes.  The payments they are making late into their life for debts they may have inherited, or blundered into earlier, are keeping them from feeling secure.   Sometimes they've ended up in public housing impoverished, and are still tracked by collection agencies (bill collectors) until a declaration of full "disability" is recorded.  The payments they are making before their arrival are a proper duty to protect our businesses.  However, to pursue those payments into senior years is immoral.  As a society we must acknowledge their diminished capacity, and oppressive responsibility to prepare for nursing homes.  I propose a law that requires all creditors to forgive the defaulted debts for those approachng old age, the disabled accepted to full Medicare, and allow partial disabilities in many cases to annul all debts, with ombudsmen available for the rest.  Large corporation executives are given salaries and bonuses in the name of the mental preparation they do for their business, while the elderly are made to feel uncomfortable. 

  • I'm sure dogs were an essential tool to frontier America, guarding livestock and protecting settlers from enemies, just to name the first two roles off the top of my head.  Our population is aging and urbanization is spreading.  Mainly for those reasons small breeds are becoming popular.  Although the tight laws against animal entry into food places is reasonable, other policies against dog entry need to add exceptions for toy breeds which can be easily carried and controlled.  Within a modern city there are sanitation burdens which suggest a smaller breed is more desirable.  In addition, there is less room for dogs to run around and stay healthy.  Adding exceptions into contracts and laws for toy breeds would encourage their numbers.

  • The camera started as an innovative, cumbersome snap-shot tool, and the original laws of leeway in public were understandable.  Restricting photographers to a snapshot of time on a person (many shots with a modern camera or video recorder) with the requirement they leave the area after would ensure safety and decorum.  Anyone selling more than one picture of someone uninvited would be fined or convicted.  Any of those blending into the atmosphere nefariously afterwards, would be cited.  The televised press could be included.  The imposition of restrictions in their broadcasts may help cloistered celebrity victims.  Exceptions could be made in cases of public events, an obvious crime occurring, or traffic accidents.  

  • Those charged with crimes are often sick with worry on the way to court, and shouldn't be burdened with the forced conversations and interviews with the press we television viewers often witness.  A law is needed to prohibit contact with the press on the way to and from arraignments.  Arraignments occur at the spur of the moment for defendants, lawyers, supporters, and occasionally other concerned people, and that is a stressful condition.  Actual trials are planned and more controlled by a judge for all parties, so the Press approaching them won't create an undo burden.

  • Sometimes suspects in crime are also thought to be mentally ill, and placed under evaluation in mental hospitals.  They should enjoy the benefits of being presumed innocent, although just like common criminals, they're sometimes held by force for the safety of society.  The theme of being held for safety is lost when the psychiatrist typically assigned to them uses the word 'forensic.'  Forensic is a scrutiny, and violates the rights of those suspects.  This prohibition of the term 'forensic' should apply to the experts that carry out the original court examinations as well.

  • Much like smoking, illegal ("no law in respect to religion") municipal Christmas lights are an unhealthy activity wasting energy.  Any need for an area of exemption, such as a Governor needing to display his or her religion, needs thorough restrictions.  Any grants of air space, for instance over a street between wings of a store, need thorough restrictions.  I enjoy looking at some displays, but they never happen to be in public parks or over streets.  Many private window displays instill a sense of respect, but city and town displays are an addiction, which might be best treated with total cessation.  In a country dedicated to separation of church and state, funding and service of those lights is two-faced and a return to a known form of government that doesn't work.  Unfortunately, during December I feel the country is again ruled by churches of the states.

  • Political posters have crept closer and closer to my face as I go to the voting station entrance to cast my nearly blank ballot.  All supporters should be prohibited from all adjoining and adjacent sidewalks to those stations during the voting hours.  I'm talking about all the way around the block.  Update 2/11: This week's preliminary leading to the election was so cold some of the canvassers were in the halls to warm up from time to time.  I began to realize that specified primaries allow for too much chumminess.  These preliminary voting occasions need to be combined into one for all parties, saving money, promoting a bit of interaction, and preventing excess buddy system.

  • Labor unions need to be legally restricted from publicly endorsing candidates, or even speaking about them. They should be free to speak negatively about negotiations and anyone involved, but purporting to speak for their members when endorsing a candidate, is a farce.   In around 2012 I was informed that Federal law allows for employees under union contract to inform the union they will only pay the initiation and negotiation fees, and forego membership, but I wish I'd been informed by them at their formation.   I was happy to pay the fees, and have opted out of the union.   Here's a fast outline of how their speech should be regulated.
    They would be free to say: "Senator John Doe has consistently opposed our offers for a contract agreement this year. His record during his term has been to consistently vote against our offers."
    However, they would be fined for saying: "Senator Jane Doe is the right candidate for the ratification of our new contract. She'll get the job done."
    Even saying: "This candidate is better for the nation." should be illegal because unions shouldn't be the ones to offer political opinion.
    Perhaps a worker wants to sacrifice their personal raise for a more important reason in an election.   The decision on who to vote for is much too individual in nature to allow a union determined position.   This proposed change takes pressure off the work environment. 
    *[Dec. 12, '11 Update: Similar California ballot measure reported by here.]
    *[Feb.  2, '12 Update: Indiana measure going too far reported by here.]

  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture used to issue paper food stamps with dollar amounts printed on them.  Recipients could use the change for vital things, because to ask them to track the change was impossible.  I probably used the change for laundry, and an occasional important pay-phone call, and never needed to collect other public aid at that stage.  The poor and homeless need a small stipend of monthly cash to give them a more dignified lifestyle.

  • The U.S. Department of Education holds the defaulted loans of disabled ex-students, and requires a designation of  'total and permanent disability'  in order to discharge them.  The Social Security Administration, in determining disability, may decide the recipient has been limited for ten years previous to their application, but the Dept of Ed has been legislated to disregard that assessment.  In the past the delinquent borrower wasn't told about the best option of possible consolidation when confronted by collectors.   They didn't consider any disabled time, or limited working hours before transferring the defaulted loans to collection agencies, and assessing extra fees.   Meanwhile, someone sick or injured, working even one hour a week, was held in full responsibility for payments.  The cut off for exemption should be more reasonable, like over 20 hours per week while disabled by any standard.  The recent end to private collection agencies pursuing these defaults isn't enough to prevent a return to this disgrace in the future.  Many of the fees need to waived.  Just because two government agencies have conflicting laws doesn't mean the changes are tough to initiate.
    *[Feb.  24, '12 Update:  As a small dog owner struggling to make ends meet, I've used big quantities of anti-flea products divided into the proper small dose.   If the FDA warning came on any of that packaging, I'd be knowingly violating a law, despite the absolute safety of the identical product.   This seems to be a perfect case to have an elected state spokesperson could help adjust oppressive restrictions, with out involving the higher-ups in minutiae. I think some of these new elected spokespeople would need to work in Washington, while others could work from home in their home state.   Trying to get a bureaucrat on the phone from the DEA to point out the law needs amending would be problematic.   Getting an elected spokesperson's attention would be a more responsible form of government.]

  • When big corporations began to move overseas in the 80s, there were no laws to levy money in compensation to the U.S., and although they were discussed they were never enacted.   Those levy systems still aren't in place and they need to be enacated with great vigor.

  • Everyone knows that a law exists called "Breaking and Entering" somehow as an impression of nature, but there is a big gap being serialized on one of the biggest national reality TV series, where a personal pouch is being examined without the permission of the owner.   A new law has to be implemented everywhere named "Breaking and Entering of a Private Enclosed Space."   That may seem redundant to some at first, but the increase in the scope of law enforcement will benefit us all.   I'm confident the measure will deter thiives targeting women's pocketbook contents, by adding an additional available charge.

    An Analogy Between a Macabre Puppet of Chicago of ~1990 and an Actual Live Animal I Witnessed in a Medical Lab

    Publicized Because U.S. Espionage Agents Aren't Giving Me Money Called Mandatory by God
       Click to View (the Graphic Image and My Analogy)

    Preambles of the State Constitutions (as found on the internet) with Summary

    (One state has no preamble.)

    Alabama - We, the people of the State of Alabama, in order to establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, invoking the favor and guidance of Alm-ghty G-d, do ordain and establish the following Constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama.

    Alaska - We the people of Alaska, grateful to G-d and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land, in order to secure and transmit to succeeding generations our heritage of political, civil, and religious liberty within the Union of States, do ordain and establish this constitution for the State of Alaska.

    Arizona - We, the people of the State of Arizona, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution.

    Arkansas - We, the people of the State of Arkansas, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the privilege of choosing our own form of government, for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings and secure the same to our selves and posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    California - We, the people of California, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings, do establish this Constitution.

    Colorado - We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more independent and perfect government; establish justice; insure tranquility; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the "State of Colorado".

    Connecticut - The People of Connecticut acknowledging with gratitude, the good providence of G-d, in having permitted them to enjoy a free government; do, in order more effectually to define, secure, and perpetuate the liberties, rights and privileges which they have derived from their ancestors; hereby, after a careful consideration and revision, ordain and establish the following constitution and form of civil government.

    Delaware - Through Divine goodness, all men have by nature the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences, of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring and protecting reputation and property, and in general of obtaining objects suitable to their condition, without injury by one to another; and as these rights are essential to their welfare, for due exercise thereof, power is inherent in them; and therefore all just authority in the institutions of political society is derived from the people, and established with their consent, to advance their happiness; and they may for this end, as circumstances require, from time to time, alter their Constitution of government.

    Florida - We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Alm-ghty G-d, for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits, perfect our government, insure domestic tranquility, maintain public order, and guarantee equal civil and political rights to all, do ordain and establish this constitution.

    Georgia - To perpetuate the principles of free government, insure justice to all, preserve peace, promote the interest and happiness of the citizen and of the family, and transmit to posterity the enjoyment of liberty, we the people of Georgia, relying upon the protection and guidance of Alm-ghty G-d, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    Hawaii - We, the people of Hawaii, grateful for Divine Guidance, and mindful of our Hawaiian heritage and uniqueness as an island State, dedicate our efforts to fulfill the philosophy decreed by the Hawaii State motto, "Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono."    We reserve the right to control our destiny, to nurture the integrity of our people and culture, and to preserve the quality of life that we desire.    We reaffirm our belief in a government of the people, by the people and for the people, and with an understanding and compassionate heart toward all the peoples of the earth, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the State of Hawaii.

    Idaho - We, the people of the state of Idaho, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare do establish this Constitution.

    Illinois - We, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the civil, political and religious liberty which H- has permitted us to enjoy and seeking H-s blessing upon our endeavors - in order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality; assure legal, social and economic justice; provide opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves and our posterity - do ordain and establish this Constitution for the State of Illinois.

    Indiana - TO THE END, that justice be established, public order maintained, and liberty perpetuated; WE, the People of the State of Indiana, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the free exercise of the right to choose our own form of government, do ordain this Constitution.

    Iowa - WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF IOWA, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on H-m for a continuance of those blessings, do ordain and establish a free and independent government, by the name of the STATE OF IOWA, the boundaries whereof shall be as follows:

    Kansas - We, the people of Kansas, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our civil and religious privileges, in order to insure the full enjoyment of our rights as American citizens, do ordain and establish this constitution of the state of Kansas, with the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western boundary of the state of Missouri,...

    Kentucky - We, the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy, and invoking the continuance of these blessings, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    Louisiana - We, the people of Louisiana, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the civil, political, economic, and religious liberties we enjoy, and desiring to protect individual rights to life, liberty, and property; afford opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; assure equality of rights; promote the health, safety, education, and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; ensure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and justice to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.

    Maine - We the people of Maine, in order to establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for our mutual defense, promote our common welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of liberty, acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity, so favorable to the design; and, imploring G-d's aid and direction in its accomplishment, do agree to form ourselves into a free and independent State, by the style and title of the State of Maine and do ordain and establish the following Constitution for the government of the same.

    Maryland - We the people of the State of Maryland, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our civil and religious liberty, and taking into our serious consideration the best means of establishing a good Constitution in this State for the sure foundation and more permanent security thereof, declare:

    Massachusetts - The end of the institution, maintenance, and administration of government, is to secure the existence of the body politic, to protect it, and to furnish the individuals who compose it with the power of enjoying in safety and tranquillity their natural rights, and the blessings of life: and whenever these great objects are not obtained, the people have a right to alter the government, and to take measures necessary for their safety, prosperity and happiness.

    The body politic is formed by a voluntary association of individuals: it is a social compact, by which the whole people covenants with each citizen, and each citizen with the whole people, that all shall be governed by certain laws for the common good.   It is the duty of the people, therefore, in framing a constitution of government, to provide for an equitable mode of making laws, as well as for an impartial interpretation, and a faithful execution of them; that every man may, at all times, find his security in them.

    We, therefore, the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging, with grateful hearts, the goodness of the great Legislator of the universe, in affording us, in the course of H-s providence, an opportunity, deliberately and peaceably, without fraud, violence or surprise, of entering into an original, explicit, and solemn compact with each other; and of forming a new constitution of civil government, for ourselves and posterity; and devoutly imploring H-s direction in so interesting a design, do agree upon, ordain and establish the following Declaration of Rights, and Frame of Government, as the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    Michigan - We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.

    Minnesota - We, the people of the state of Minnesota, grateful to G-d for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings and secure the same to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution

    Mississippi - We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d, and involving his blessing on our work, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    Missouri - We the people of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for H-s goodness, do establish this constitution for the better government of the state.

    Montana - We the people of Montana grateful to G-d for the quiet beauty of our state, the grandeur of our mountains, the vastness of our rolling plains, and desiring to improve the quality of life, equality of opportunity and to secure the blessings of liberty for this and future generations do ordain and establish this constitution.

    Nebraska - We, the people, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our freedom, do ordain and establish the following declaration of rights and frame of government, as the Constitution of the State of Nebraska.

    Nevada - We the people of the State of Nevada Grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our freedom in order to secure its blessings, insure domestic tranquility, and form a more perfect Government, do establish this Constitution.

    New Hampshire - Revolutionary Secession

    New Jersey - We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to H-m for a blessing upon our endeavors to secure and transmit the same unimpaired to succeeding generations, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    New Mexico - We, the people of New Mexico, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the blessings of liberty, in order to secure the advantages of a state government, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    New York - We The People of the State of New York, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our Freedom, in order to secure its blessings, DO ESTABLISH THIS CONSTITUTION.

    North Carolina - We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon H-m for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution.

    North Dakota - We, the people of North Dakota, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain and establish this constitution.

    Ohio - We, the people of the State of Ohio, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare, do establish this Constitution.

    Oklahoma - Invoking the guidance of Alm-ghty G-d, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessing of liberty; to secure just and rightful government; to promote our mutual welfare and happiness, we, the people of the State of Oklahoma, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    Oregon - We the people of the State of Oregon to the end that Justice be established, order maintained, and liberty perpetuated, do ordain this Constitution.

    Pennsylvania - We, the people of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ordain and establish this constitution for its government.

    Rhode Island - We, the people of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing upon our endeavors to secure and to transmit the same, unimpaired, to succeeding generations, do ordain and establish this Constitution of government.

    South Carolina - We, the people of the State of South Carolina, in Convention assembled, grateful to G-d for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the preservation and perpetuation of the same.

    South Dakota - We, the people of South Dakota, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our civil and religious liberties, in order to form a more perfect and independent government, establish justice, insure tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and preserve to ourselves and to our posterity the blessings of liberty, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the state of South Dakota.

    Tennessee - 1796: We the People of the territory of the United States south of the river Ohio, having the right of admission into the General Government as a member State thereof, consistent with the Constitution of the United States and the act of cession of the State of North Carolina, recognizing the ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio, do ordain and establish the following constitution or form of government, and do mutually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free and independent State by the name of the State of Tennessee.

    1870:WHEREAS..., WHEREAS..., WHEREAS, The General Assembly of said State of Tennessee, under and in virtue of the first section of the first article of the Declaration of Rights, contained in and forming a part of the existing Constitution of the State, by an act passed on the fifteenth day of November, in the year of our L-rd one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, did provide for the calling of a Convention by the people of the State, to meet at Nashville, on the second Monday in January, in the year of our L-rd one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and for the election of delegates for the purpose of amending or revising the present Constitution, or forming and making a new Constitution; and, WHEREAS..., WE,...

    Texas - 1836:We, the people of Texas, in order to form a government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence and general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.

    1969:Humbly invoking the blessings of Alm-ghty G-d, the people of the State of Texas do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    Utah - Grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for life and liberty, we, the people of Utah, in order to secure and perpetuate the principles of free government, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION.

    Vermont - 1777:Whereas, all government ought to be instituted and supported for the security and protection of the community as such and to enable the individuals who compose it, to enjoy their natural rights, and the other blessings which the Author of existence has bestowed upon man; and whenever those great ends of government are not obtained, the people have a right,

    We the representatives of the freemen of Vermont, in General Convention met, for the express purpose of forming such a government, confessing the goodness of the Great Governor of the Universe (who alone, knows to what degree of earthly happiness, mankind may attain, by perfecting the arts of government), in permitting the people of this State, by common consent, and without violence, deliberately to form for themselves, such just rules as they shall think best for governing their future society; and being fully convinced that it is our indispensable duty, to establish such original principles of government, as will best promote the general happiness of the people of this State, and their posterity, and provide for future improvements, without partiality for, or prejudice against, any particular class, sect, or denomination of men whatever: Do, by virtue of authority vested in us, by our constitutents, ordain, declare, and establish, the following declaration of rights, and frame of government, to be the Constitution of this Commonwealth

    Since July 9, 1793 Vermont's Constitution hasn't had a Preamble, or it's unfound.

    Virginia - WE, the Delegates and Representatives of the good people of Virginia, do declare the future form of government of Virginia to be as followeth:

    Washington - We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.

    West Virginia - Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia, in and through the provisions of this Constitution, reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon G-d and seek diligently to promote, preserve and perpetuate good government in the state of West Virginia for the common welfare, freedom and security of ourselves and our posterity.

    Wisconsin - We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Alm-ghty G-d for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings, form a more perfect government, insure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare, do establish this Constitution.

    Wyoming - We, the people of the State of Wyoming, grateful to G-d for our civil, political and religious liberties, and desiring to secure them to ourselves and perpetuate them to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.

    37 mentions of G-d, 30 with Alm-ghty, 7 by itself [Rhode Island mentions "...He..." also]

    3 mentions of "Supreme Ruler of the Universe" (Colorado, Missouri [also "...H-s..."], Washington)

    3 mentions of "...Divine..." (Delaware as in goodness [also "...Creator..."], Hawaii as in guidance, West Virginia as in Providence)

    2 mentions of "...dependence on H-m..." (Iowa [also "...Supreme Being..."], North Carolina [now counted twice, also "...Sovereign Ruler of Nations..."])

    1 mention of "...Sovereign Ruler of the Universe..." (Maine)[also "...G-d's..."]

    1 state mentions L-rd in the date twice (Tennessee) displaying improper biased government.

    1 state unfortunately mentions "great Legislator of the universe" (Massachusetts) in the context of biased swearing-in ceremonies for the Governor, State police, Harvard's conception, etc.

    1 state (Vermont) mentions "...Author of existence...," and "...Great Governor of the Universe..."

    4 states found apparently without religious mentions (New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia)

    Note: some of the Preambles may be historic, out of date, repealed, or no longer in use.

    Israeli Facts

    In Israel, the official name for the United States, is Arzot H'Brit, which means literally, "land of treaty" or "land of covenant".  The term might describe the meaning as "land of 'Brit Mila'" which means circumcision as outlined in the Torah (described on the front page).  Jews have traditionally put faith in the land of Israel, presenting a point of intrigue.

    Prophetically, the official name would indicate the arrival and circumcision of the Jewish messiah (Jeshurun, named in Deuteronomy and Isaiah), and then an almost immediate decay of U.S. morality inviting punishment from God.

    Subway Props

    Boston's Park Street Red Line Stop - An undesirable religious display, shown on the northbound side looking back toward Downtown Crossing.  An apparently Catholic priest's hand, sculptured in wood is placed superior to riders waiting on the platform.  The display is a clear breach of separation between religious bias and government services.


    Unfortunately, Iran has an error in their otherwise very commendable constitution.  The first chapter, General Principles, Article 10, states, "Since the family is the fundamental unit of Islamic society, all laws, regulations, and pertinent programs must tend to facilitate the formation of a family, and to safeguard its sanctity and the stability of family relations on the basis of the law and the ethics of Islam."   Don't let the word "Islamic" throw you, as their constitution sets up democratic processes in their government.   Don't forget, they are a product of their region, with influences of monarchies and Muhammad's progeny.

    Iran's Constitution does, however, make clear in strong language, that they are only talking to themselves, and about themselves, apparently wishing better governance for others for the future.   I'm theorizing that the apparent openess, in such a interiorly defining document, may relate to the flag designs of Arabic nations.   Here is an very good youtube on the subject:

    The word "family" of their Constitution could be replaced with the word "culture."  They've prejudiced liberty against the solitary, whom can be among the strongest and most successful in a society.  They might include clergy, doctors, politicians, researchers and scientists.  Potentially, they can dedicate themselves more than a family member, and inspire greater innovation.

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